http://www.racquetballcanadaevents.c...8449&UID=28449 (Ken Gibson)

Quote Originally Posted by Ken Gibson
Re: "God is Not Great...How Religion Poisons Everything" by Christopher Hitchens


You kind of forgot the RC Inquisition, didn't you? There's about 600 years or so of torture and murder for your religion. Not to mention a few of "God's" temper tantrums from the Old Testament, old boy? Destroy cities, smash the babies against rocks, etc... I guess you're right. Religion is always right in what it does because it is justified not matter what.
Who created who when it comes to god and creation itself?
If God created everything, who created him???
I guess God must have had a bad moment when he created you, right?

Hey, guess what! I'm not religious and I can still play racquetball!

And by the way...Chris Hitchens' book is on the best seller list. Pretty good for a dullard!


Would Christ do that? No. So why assume that is Christ? In the OT God hates sin, so what you are really defending is human sacrifices. The difference between your religion and God's religion is His is always right, holy and true. Whereas you push out lies to do your father's bidding, that is Satan.

How can nature cause itself? We know everything in nature has a cause. Therefore the uncreated must exist. This is what we call God who intelligently designed.

God is not in nature, but nature proves the uncreated exists. The uncreated always existed. That is what uncreated means.

God values every last soul as intrinsic value, even you. It hurts His heart that you are going to Hell, but He can't force you to accept His love and His desire for fellowship with you.

You can't beat me at racquetball, and you are still religious, but your religion is the religion of antichrist.

The path to destruction is wide, and the gate and path to everlasting life is narrow. So much for Hitchens eh? seem to know God personally to actually know what he thinks about things and what his plans are.
My hat is off to you.

I just like to keep my mind open, thanks. Yours appears eternally closed which is what religion asks you to do. To be blindly led without question like a sheep. You're part of the flock for sure. A perfect little template for whatever sect you belong to... Your god gave you a brain supposedly, but then forbid you to use it rationally. You're stuck in the past, in the dark ages. Hey, there's actually a reality outside your cave! Take a might like it.

"In dark ages, people are best guided by religion, as in a pitch black night a blind man is the best guide; he knows the roads and paths better than a man who can see. When daylight comes, however, it is foolish to use blind old men as guides.


I think your mind is closed because God proved Himself the uncreated and by His resurrection, and I gave you the very proof. You testify that you can't find anything wrong with the proofs I gave you, though you can talk in vagaries.

Normally a person with an open mind goes with the evidence, but you shut your mind down like you are playing the lottery or something, holding out for who knows what, contrary to the existing evidence.

Try to think things through more conscientiously and it won't be long before you realize how deceived you've been,

Therefore, your own words apply to you: "A perfect little template for whatever sect [your party spirit] you belong to... Your god [whatever you hold of most value in life] gave you a brain supposedly, but then forbid you to use it rationally [why do you shut your mind down to the fact that group hallucinations are impossible?]. You're stuck in the past, in the dark ages [just as there were antichrists and atheists in the past so there are now, but it is illogical]. Hey, there's actually a reality outside your cave! [Of course there is, it is called Hell, where you are going]. Take a might like it [Nope!]."

Sorry, but once-saved-always-saved. If you are truly born-again, even you admit I am, then you would know according to the Word of God you can never lose salvation because when the Holy Spirit regenerates your inner man with eternal life, it is eternal. It can never be lost.

Understand why you don't give your life to Christ. It is because you are too scared to do so. You would have to give up control of self in your selfish life you cling to so desperately. And the expectations in your mind what it would mean to be saved, but they are mostly misconceptions. You're a sinner, all sin gets punished and leads to death and the second death which is Hell. Unless you accept His atonement for forgiveness, there is no other recourse. He did all He can do. Now it is up to you. A sinner doesn't want to accept even God's exists, because then he would have to change his sinful ways. You're just a bad guy on his way to Hell. Just be honest with yourself that's what you want.

Evidence was given and you can't overturn it; you can't even overturn these 12 facts almost all SKEPTICAL scholars agree to (see the Gary Habermas link) which lead to the proof Jesus is God by His resurrection. Think about that.

Proofs? Hmmm..."proof " is something which is shown to be true. It is something that can be replicated by others. Your proof would be appreciated by any Imam or Haitian voodoo doctor I'm pretty sure. But this is the modern age, not 1398 when the earth was flat. I just finished watching a debate between Rev Sharpton and Chris Hitchens which is like watching a child debating with a genius. At the end of the debate, Rev Sharpton even recommends that people buy Chris' book "God is Not Great...How Religion Poisons Everything." Highly recommend it!

I know you will not watch it however, because you're mind is closed to facts and open only to the dogma of your cult. You surely know the dogma and what your god thinks. Do you know Benny Hinn too? You should try the faith healing routine...there's big money in gullibility. It's spelled R E L I G I O N.

It's been a slice.

Did you buy that atheist book? It was on the top-seller list. Christian books don't bring in those numbers.

You can't replicate the big bang, but you know it is true and scientists are virtually unanimous it occurred about 13.7 billion years ago because their models bring us back to that point.

I don't know of any Imam or Haitian voodoo doctor that I know of that professes to be the uncreated Creator, so how do they compare? But lets say they did. What proof do they give they are the uncreated Creator? Jesus provides the well attested resurrection appearances in various group settings, and of course people don't go to their deaths for a what they know is a lie, nor does modern psychology allow for group hallucinations.

In 4 minutes, I clearly explained it to you here,

The Bible teaches, believe it or not, the earth was round, not flat. It pictures a person in a ship looking off the horizon with the curvature of the land or ocean and objects dropping off in the distance. You experience the same effect even more pronouncedly when you are standing on top of a high building or flying a plane.

I watched the entire video. What made you think Hitchens won the debate with Al Sharpton? I thought Hitchens lost the argument by being unable to disprove the resurrection proof of Jesus and that nothing in nature happens all by itself; hence, the uncreated must exist. Also I thought it strange how Hitchens argued against what Sharpton continued to advise Hitchens not to argue against, that is, false misrepresentations of God or misreadings of Scripture. How is it that if morals come from us but we didn't create ourselves that we can ultimately be the source of our morals? That makes no sense. It is like Hitchens is calling Himself God when he makes that claim.

Czar's of Russia were also leaders of the Orthodox Church apparently, but of course, the Orthodox Church (teaching non-OSAS and amillennialism) is not Christian, nor could a leader in an atheist country ever attain the status of a Christian which is meek and lowly, because ruler ship is attained by dictatorial force, whereas Christianity is free-willing. Hitchens argument is not to take such men on faith, but this is just more of Hitchens agreeing with Christianity, for Christians, in fact, don't take someone else's beliefs on faith just because they might say they are Christian. We are to test the spirits and prove all things.

Hitchens wonders why good things happen to good people. He is first assuming they are good. Secondly, when great tsunami's occurred in a region, we can allow for God doing damage to that area for reasons:
  1. great amount of child prostitution in Thailand;
  2. man has experienced time and again storms in that region but continues to live there;
  3. man shows overall his lack of conscientiousness and conscience to build up the population to the levels that it is so people have to live in dangerous areas. The garden of Eden was safe, but as man's sin increased, he became arrogant enough to think he could live in such hot zones;
  4. like in the flood in Noah's day, some people get caught in the flood or under the crossfire because it is inescapable in a natural system God has created. It wouldn't be realistic otherwise. But it does not mean all such individuals are unsaved. If you were saved but got hit by a bus tomorrow that would not impact on your eternal life whatsoever. God works all things together for those who love Him. If He is ready to let you go now, even martyred for Christ, your reward is coming. But let's say you were not born-again. Then you got hit by a bus tomorrow. God takes that into account as well, that it is permitted because you were never going to give your life to Christ or you had more than ample grace already.
Hitchens says don't bring your religious toys to his house. But then why is he allowed to bring his religious antichrist toys to our house? Do you see the double standard? Then he continues to misrepresent Christianity as bullying with these toys, but was Jesus that way? Of course not. It is a false argument Hitchens uses, violating Step 3 of the 4 Step Perfect Proof for God: don't misrepresent God if you want to argue against Him. But Hitchens seems to be that way, intolerantly so, for a Christian says that Hitchens can bring to the table his toys to examine them, but we are not allowed to bring our toys to compare to his toys. Again, this is a double standard and at the end of the day, that is unethical. Hitchens says if you are offended, there is repercussions, for his people will just come and kill your people, because Hitchens (apparently so paranoid), thinks Christians would come to kill him, because offended people kill their enemies. But again, I ask, would Jesus do that? No! There you have it. Do you see the higher conscience, like, power and purity in Christ? You should because He created you.

Did you watch the one I sent you where William Lane Craig (scholar) destroyed Hitchens' arguments? Or do you have a doublestandard closing your mind down? Why don't you treat others as you would like to be treated? So you see there is a thing called conscience which needs be quickened by the Holy Spirit, otherwise your righteousness is faulty, cultic, seared and just self-righteousness. Hence, you need to give your life to Christ to be born-again, for all things sum up in Christ; He is the way, the truth and life. He is the first and the last, and nothing was made that was made without Him. Before the foundations of the world He created you and foreknew you when you would be born.

I do not believe Benny Hinn is born-again, for you don't see his antics in Scripture. It's genuine in God's Word. Not parlor tricks. I don't believe Benny Hinn was born-again because he claimed Jesus was going to appear physically in the churches. Still hasn't happened. The deceiver will say, if it is a miracle, it must be of God, so they are being set up for false miracles and the signs and wonders of the Antichrist. Benny Hinn touches this man and the man falls down five times and his wig falls off five times to just see the wig fly off each time. That is what Benny Hinn said. Crazy huh? It's a carnival.

Benny Hinn: "Ladies and gentleman, Jesus is shaking the world! Now something else is happening that is to me awesome! Absolutely awesome! The Lord is physically appearing in the Muslim world. I'm telling you, Paul, I am hearing it now more and more and more. Since we preachers cannot go there, Jesus is, just going there Himself. Since we preachers are not permitted to go in, He is just showing up Himself. You know the Scriptures says clearly that the Lord did appear, did He not? Ah for forty days, isn't that right? And the Scriptures says He, He, He even, He even appeared to Paul. He's doing the same thing today in the Muslim world. He's appearing, hear this, He is appearing to Muslims, saying I am Jesus of Nazareth! And they're coming to know the Lord!"

The Bible says when Jesus returns physically we will all know it.

Sharpton is a false Christian also, for there are not tongues in the Bible meaning gibberish babble. That is an alteration of God's Word. It is a false spirit working in him. Supporting gay marriage when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their pervasive homosexuality? The Bible is quite clear homosexuality is an abomination in the OT and NT. Barack Obama's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright has recently given Louis Farrakhan the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer Award. The racist Farrakhan has said in sermons that he is both Jesus and Elijah. Not only is Obama a false Christian, but so is Sharpton and Farrakhan, holding the same view. Al Sharpton is almost a Muslim. Sharpton has close fellowship with Louis Farrakhan and the nation of Islam. He was at the Million Man March in 1995. He is a high degree Mason. He prays in the name of Allah.

Realize who you are gullible for? Satan works under cover by first getting you to shut your mind down to the fact there must be uncreated Creator, then secondly, diverting your attention anyway he can away from Christ or to reject Christ in some way. Satan's objective is to bring you to Hell with him. Satan has been around for probably billions of years, so don't underestimate how deceitful he can be and how deceived you can be by him. When the Antichrist comes, he will be so convincing almost everyone will believe him. This takes humility to accept if you are willing.

Remember, the Bible teaches there will be many false Christians, so is it illogical for you to accuse Christianity by way of false Christians. That would be blaming you for being a rapist because you like to watch pornos. Jesus said in Matthew 13 there will be many unsaved tares trying to look like the saved wheat. You are actually agreeing with the Bible in a way, because you think these false men are false. So do I.

Shouldn't you listen to a debate between a Christian and non-Christian rather than a fake Christian and non-Christian? So listen to the debate between William Lane Craig and Hitchens I first proposed. Don't be lazy,