Agnostic or Atheist?

Many self-proclaimed atheists don't like to be called agnostic even though that is what they really are, because they admit there is no evidence for God and there is no evidence for naturalism. All they know is their experience which is they assume to be naturalism, because they only know the world around them, but just because there is this world around them is no reason to leap by faith to assume the atheistic stance, for the world is around them in a would be theistic view also.

But these self-proclaimed atheists are not making an absolute claim God does not exist. So these double talking atheists have this "doubletongue" (1 Tim. 3.8) of contradicting themselves for they claim to believe in naturalism even though God in their view could still exist. This is really just agnosticism.

We need to be intellectually honest with ourselves and draw the distinction between agnosticism and atheism, so that if a self-proclaimed atheist is saying that God could exist, then he in fact is an agnostic. If this person who is really an agnostic is unwilling to come to the table and admit what he really is, then there is dishonesty at the start and no point in discussing.

Objective Morality

An atheist will say that objective morality does exist, except that it is not absolute morality as from a God, because it could change as man changes to whatever he changes into. Whereas Christian moral objectivity remains the same. The collective morality ascribed to by atheists that can change is problematic since it has no moral compass. The whole world could turn Nazi, rape could be legalized and everyone could own a nuclear device if that just so happens to be the direction of man's nature, and it would be objective in the eyes of an atheist. Whereas a Christian would tell you, this goes against the objective morality given by God in His Word.

Fine Tuning

An atheist will say to you sure there is fine tuning, but it is just one of many multiple universes that naturally arises. However, if that were true, then what is changing the independent constants and quantities to bring life into existence? It would be far more likely that the universe would be radically smaller than a universe in which so many variables and quantities are required. The universe would not exist if the weak nuclear force or gravity were off by just by one part in 10th to the 100th power. That is exquisitely fine. Multiply that to all the other fine tuning and you come up with a much more likely scenario of a smaller universe that does not demand so much fine tuning as our universe does. Christians believe just Earth has life on it and the reason the universe was so large is because it was needed to produce the full elemental table and to bring about just one planet that could sustain life.

First Cause

Any universe requires a cause, since they all have a singularity. Nothing can arise out of nothing. Thus, there is a cause to all possible world ensembles which exists outside of the world ensemble.

Christian Religion

Why does the Christian religion become the only one that could be valid? (1) Because of the eyewitness claims of those who saw the Lord Jesus resurrected in groups upon groups, (2) the empty tomb concurs, (3) disciples' transformation from doubters to bold proclaimers, and (4) they were willing to die and did die for their eyewitness testimony.

Personal Experience

Unless you can explain away naturalistically the experience of experiencing God, then a person goes with their experience. If it meshes with the proof of resurrection of Jesus being God, then it is valid. If it doesn't not gel, then the experience is still real, but it is not of God. As the Bible says, test the spirits. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me the reason why atheists are so antichrist is for the same reason Cain killed Abel and the Jews got the Romans to put Jesus to death. They are jealous of us because they have no experience with God. Plain old jealousy!


Because of these findings we can be confident God exists, Jesus is God and Hell has a purpose.