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Thread: 5 Basic Proofs of Christianity

  1. #11
    Spencer Guest


    Nono, he assured me I'll like it.
    I'm also so wise that it cant be stated without an immensely confusing sentence that would outdo the likes of this one tenfold regarding my deception of others concerning my wisdom by my wisdom itself.

    And whats this about nothing existing to change my mind? If I don't believe in hell then GO THERE I will change my mind.

    I'd also like to know how I'm suffering right now, I'm very much enjoying life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I don't think anyone actually wants to go to hell or would look forward to it. That would require a level of masochism unknown to humanity.
    Don't think of it that way. Think of it this way. Hell is separation from God. You want to be eternally separated from God so God will give you exactly what you want.

    You are a Quaker and you said all religious beliefs are equal, so does that mean you believe in universalism that everyone is going to be saved even though very few actually receive the atonement of Christ for our sins which grants eternal life? What about those such as yourself who want to be eternally separated from the true Christ?

    To a Christian, these beliefs and attitude that you have seem masochistic, nonetheless.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    Nono, he assured me I'll like it. I'm also so wise that it cant be stated without an immensely confusing sentence that would outdo the likes of this one tenfold regarding my deception of others concerning my wisdom by my wisdom itself.

    And whats this about nothing existing to change my mind? If I don't believe in hell then GO THERE I will change my mind.

    I'd also like to know how I'm suffering right now, I'm very much enjoying life.
    If it was so confusing the verse I quoted you, why am I able to understand it and you are not? Surely you realize man can have pride in his heart for the sake of self, self-centeredness and self-worship.

    If there is nothing God can do nor nothing existing to convince you to have a change of mind, then what other option does God have than to put you in Hell for eternity.

    When you get to Hell you won't change your mind. You will be where you want to be. You have a foretaste of Hell even now, so that flavor you have is one you cling to for eternity. Even though God has described it vividly, you still reject Him.

    As it turns out the reason you never repent and believe in Christ is because it would be more painful for you to do so than spend an eternity in Hell in your own selfish way of being.

    You sent me this private message as one of your contentions against God of the Bible:
    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    I'm not talking about self defense. I'm talking about going aorund killing people who have past records of killing.
    If you are talking about the Spanish Inquisition and Crusades, what makes you think that is Christian? Where would Jesus do that?

    The Bible speaks against these acts of religious Rome:

    "She made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

    "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee [church of Thyatira), because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I will strike her children dead; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searches hearts and minds: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine [of the Roman Church], and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden" (Rev. 14.8; 17.5,7; 2.20,23-24).

    If you ask a Catholic priest whether you can take the Bible and comment on it, you will often be told that the Bible is such a mystery that none but the Pope is able to understand it. To those who do not follow such teaching the Lord puts no burden upon them save to keep what they have already learned from Him. It is enough just to keep one's salvation till He comes.

  4. #14
    Spencer Guest


    Silly Churchwork, you jump to conclusions way too fast. What i eman to paint out is the morals you seem to be judging God by are utilitarian. Ironically utilitarianism can be rather subjective which goes against all the arguments for moral objectivity.

  5. #15
    Andy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    You are a Quaker and you said all religious beliefs are equal, so does that mean you believe in universalism that everyone is going to be saved even though very few actually receive the atonement of Christ for our sins which grants eternal life? What about those such as yourself who want to be eternally separated from the true Christ?

    To a Christian, these beliefs and attitude that you have seem masochistic, nonetheless.
    I do generally believe in Universalism, but what's all of this other stuff about me wanting to be eternally separated from Christ and masochism. I never said anything like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    Silly Churchwork, you jump to conclusions way too fast. What i eman to paint out is the morals you seem to be judging God by are utilitarian. Ironically utilitarianism can be rather subjective which goes against all the arguments for moral objectivity.
    I can only respond to what you say. If you meant something else, then you should have said so to begin with.

    God says in His word, He works all things for your good, so He is utilitarian. God discloses this in His word, so I am not judging Him, but agreeing with Him. Why create something for no meaningful purpose? It's pointless.

    No matter what subjective experience you may have, just know God is objectively moral and objective morals could not exist without God, otherwise they are just subjective relativism which speaks of selfish desires.

    You couldn't show utilitarianism goes against moral objectivity. On the contrary, they quite agree. Just because you don't know everything, doesn't mean God's Will will not be done objectively, personally and by His Holy Spirit working in believers intuitively and in their own subjective experiences.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I do generally believe in Universalism, but what's all of this other stuff about me wanting to be eternally separated from Christ and masochism. I never said anything like that.
    You don't have to say it for something to be true. A person's delusions don't make reality not true. Just as man would be evil to let a rapist out of jail, so God would be evil if He let you out of Hell. Your flesh wanting universalism does nothing to challenge reality that you want to be eternally separated from God in Hell and that Christians find such behavior to be masochistic, since you are insensitive to how unhealthy your mentality is.

  8. #18
    Dare2beFaithful Guest


    Churchwork is this what you wer talking about with atheists everywhere?

    OK Andy, You think everyone should be out of hell?? But than there would be people in heaven who didn't embrace the love of GOD. How would that be heaven if it was full of atheists and people like you who want to be away from God forever?
    This is why hell has to be real.

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    Yes. They just keep coming and coming wasting my time. After they have gone through their usual arguments they cycle through again and again repetitively. There is no repentance of their mistaken assumption.

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