Re: (James White):
Response Youtube video (Troy Brooks):

Response - 1. You don't want to spend eternity with these individuals (hardened Calvinists). They are repugnant to the love of God. They refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. They worship a god who sends people to hell who were born that way without any grace whatsoever to even have the choice. And to irresistibly impose salvation is that of an evil tyrant. He sends the Jews off to the gas chambers because they were born that way to show His wonderful and glorious Hitler-like sovereignty. What love is this? This convicts Calvinists but they refuse to listen to their own consciences. The video is up and it stands. White can laugh the laugh of pride all he wants, but that doesn't make his problems go away. Notice White doesn't respond to his assumption of regeneration without prior repentance and faith. Don't be amazed by this, for many people don't want to be saved God's way. Who are the false Christians who worship a "false Christ" if not Calvinists? Christians aren't the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit speaks in our spirits in agreement with the word of God fellow Christians. You can know quite often who is saved or not saved, for we fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Furthermore, White admits that he does not want to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, so we can take him on his word, he is not a child of God and probably never will be. It's very sad. We will not forever shed a tear for him. Notice White claims some ignorance, but doesn't specify what it is. Of course that is selfish on his part to be so coy.

Response - 2. How is it what was said not compelling? It is a fact historians give weight to the primary sources. Anyone can obtain the gift of faith by coming to God with an honest heart. This is believing on Christ. It's quite foreign to White, he admits. How is this not consistent, White doesn't say. You know what they say. Satan is the great accuser. He can accuse, but he can't back up his belligerency. Isn't that how White comes across? Notice how it is all a big joke to White. Think of Paul how he would conduct himself.

3. Apparently "I am the best the OSAS Arminians have to offer." Thanks for the compliment. God's not merely trying. He has infinite foreknowledge. He is well in control of all things to save the most and damn the least. Whereas in Calvinism some are damned who shouldn't be damned and saved who shouldn't be saved. Not everyone has the same amount of grace or needs the same amount, but everyone has sufficient grace. There is a difference. The operative factor is God's will, for all our choices are under His provision (as William Lane Craig will attest according to Middle Knowledge in Molinism-advanced OSAS Arminianism). Craig is a non-OSASer though. You don't need to say "I have to believe it is man's will" to be saved. Not at all. But you do have to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated which White admittedly is unwilling to do. So he just makes a joke of it. Indeed, most Calvinists are going to Hell. God's grace does accomplish salvation, providing everyone the choice, Whosoever is willing, He will surely save. God doesn't have to be an evil tyrant to save. He is obligated. For if God were to do less than His standard, He would be sinning. God gives everyone grace because God is righteous and holy. People are born into sin, but not made for Hell as White would tell you. People are in need of grace which God supplies, so nobody is without excuse. Grace really is free, because it was not of your own doing as it would be if you assumed regeneration as Calvinists have to. How is grace free if it is imposed on some but not others? You couldn't hardly call that grace. Call it plain old fashion evil.