A Crazy Course in False Miracles (A Foundation in Inner Evil)

The authors of A Course in Miracles are psychologists and antichrists who said Jesus spoke to them these writings. Really?

Student version page 183 - There is no sin

614 times the Bible says there is sin (Rom 3.23, Gal. 3.22, Rom. 6.23, James 1.15, Rev. 20.14, 1 Cor. 15.3, 1 Pet. 2.24, Rev. 1.5, Heb. 8.12, Heb. 10.17).

Text page 425 - A slain Christ has no meaning

Is. 53.4, 1 Pet. 1.19, 1 John 1.7, 1 Cor. 6.11.

Text page 52 - The journey to the cross should be the last useless journey & do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross

1 Cor. 1.18, Gal. 6.14, Phil. 2.5-8, Phil. 3.18.

Manual for teachers page 58 - The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray

People die for symbols? There is only one uncreated Creator (Ex. 20.3, 1 Cor. 8.6, 1 John 5.7, John 14.6, Acts 4.12, Matt. 1.23, 1 Tim. 3.16, Heb. 1.8, 1 John 5.20). Don't wast your time on other so called gods.

Text page 147 - The recognition of God is the recongition of yourself

You are God in control of the universe? (Luke 18.19, Rom. 3.10-18,23).

Text page 237 - The atonement is the final lesson man need learn. For it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation

If you say you have no sin you deceive yourself and make God a liar (1 John 1.8, 1 Cor. 6.9-10,11, Gal. 5.19-21, Eph. 5.3-8, Rev. 21.8, 22.15).

There are over 700 verses describing how the blood makes atonement for the soul. You're still confused?