National Cancer Institute 2006 - results from a composite of several different studies.*

Avoidable Causes of Cancer - % of Cancer Deaths

Smoking 33%
Obesity and inactivity 25%
Nutrient deficits and poor diet 16% - fat content should be less than 25% of total calories...add a zero to the fat weight on the label to derive calories of fat (each gram of fat has a lot of calories, so just because we are told a product is low in fat, the calories per gram of fat could be outrageous); high fiber; lots of vegetables and fruits; avoid canning because it removes micro-nutrients; a daily multivitamin is vital; flaxseed oil is the best kind of oil to take.
Chronic viruses and other infections 7%
Environmental pollution in foods, air and water 5% - home distiller with solvent vent that vents outside the house which is 0-15 parts per million; reverse osmosis 30 parts per million; public water 300-600 parts per million.
Sunlight 2% - avoid sunlight from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Prescription drugs 2%
Illicit drugs and excess alcohol 1% - cheap wines contain much more toxins than high quality wine.
Radon gas 1%
Radiation 1%

Unavoidable Causes of Cancer

Genetic defects 2%
Unknown causes 5%

Conclusion: you can avoid 93% of all cancers.

*You Can Prevent Cancer, by Dr. Michael Colgan with Lesley Colgan MS

90% of all cancers are due to environmental factors, thus preventable. Only 10% are genetic.