Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time . . . but I say to you . . . Matthew 5.21f.

Bondage to the law may be defined as a rigid adherence to a bygone code of life that leaves us unready to follow the Lord's speaking in the present. We see the law as a standard of living, but it is a fixed standard. When we were youngsters at school our gymnastic teacher lowered or raised the rope of the high jump according to our age and ability. The standard was subject to adjustment, and left us scope for development. But the law's standard is rigid. It leaves no room for advancement beyond a given point.

"But I say unto you..." These words contain a principle for all time. I have heard people dispose of an argument with "Oh, that matter was settled in Calvin's (Or Wesley's, or Darby's) day!" But their days are "old time," and so are your yesterday and mine. If I do what I did a month ago because today the Lord leads me to do it, that is life; but if I do it because he led me a month ago, that is law. The law can be a week old or centuries old, but the leading of the Spirit can never be twenty-four hours old. The vital question is, do we know the freshness of today's walk with him?