Problems In The Book Of Mormon

The Book of Mormon presents difficulties that can not be explained away regarding the following topics:

Language: 1 Nephi 1:2, etc., states that Hebrews who left Jerusalem and came to the Americas spoke Egyptian. It is a known fact that Hebrews spoke Hebrew, and their records were kept in Hebrew. Egyptians were their enemies. It is as absurd to think that Hebrews would have written their sacred history in Egyptian as to think that American history would have been written in Russian! In Mormon 9:32,34, it is stated that the language was "reformed Egyptian" and that no other people knew their language. There is no known language called "reformed Egyptian".

Desert Fruit: 1 Nephi 17:5 talks about ample fruit and wild honey being products of the Sinai Desert (called Bountiful). Not possible!

Desert Timber: 1 Nephi 18:1 talks about ample timber that the Jews used to build a ship. There is not ample timber in that area. It was a desert. It is still a desert.

Laman River: 1 Nephi 2:6-9 mentions a river named Laman that flows into the Red Sea. There is no river there and there has not been one since the Pleistocene Era.

Animals: North America had no cows, asses, horses, oxen, etc.; Europeans brought them hundreds and hundreds of years later. North America had no lions, leopards, or sheep at that time. Honey bees were brought here by Europeans much later. Ether 9:18,19 lists domestic cattle, cows and oxen as separate species! They did not even exist in the Americas at that time, nor did chickens, dogs, or elephants.

The Book of Mormon also mentions swine as being useful to man. Maybe, but Hebrews would not think of swine as being useful or good; swine were forbidden, unclean animals to them.

And what on earth are "curloms" and "cumoms"? No such animals have ever been identified anywhere. Domestic animals that are thought to be "useful" would hardly become extinct.

Butter is also mentioned, but it could not possibly have existed, since no milk-producing animals were found in the Americas at that time.

Clothing Material: The Book of Mormon mentions silk and wool clothing, but they did not exist at that time, nor did moths (1 Nephi 13:7; Alma 46, Ether 9:17; 10:24).

Beheaded Shiz: Ether 15:30-31 says that after Shiz (the Jaredite military leader) was beheaded, he rose up and struggled for breath!

Miscalculation: In Ether, chapter 6, we learn that furious winds propelled the barges to the Promised Land for 344 days! Even if the winds were not "furious" but, for example, blew only 10 miles per hour, the distance traveled in 344 days would have been 82,560 miles, or more than three times around the world. Absurdity, to say the least!

And why would the Lord instruct the brother of Jared to make a hole on top and bottom of each barge (Ether 2:20)?

Population: (see Appendix): When Lehi left Jerusalem, according to the Book of Mormon, his group consisted of fewer than 20 people. Yet 19 years later the people had so prospered and multiplied in the Promised Land that they built a temple of which the "manner of construction was like unto the temple of Solomon: and the workmanship thereof was exceeding fine" (2 Nephi 5:16).

Looking at what the Bible says about the construction of Solomon's temple, we find that it took 30,000 Israelites, 150,000 hewers of stone and carriers, 3,300 supervisors (1 Kings 5:13-16), and about seven years to build it (see also 1 Kings 6).

How many people could Lehi have had in his group after 19 years?

The book further explains that in fewer than 30 years after arriving on this continent, they had multiplied so rapidly that they divided into two nations. Even the most rapid human reproduction could only have resulted in a few dozen in that brief time, and most of them still would be infants and children, and about one-third older people.

Not only did they divide into two nations, but throughout the book, about every few years they had devastating wars that killed thousands (i.e., Alma 28:2).

Skin Color: After the first 19 or so years, Laman and Lemuel and their descendants and followers (!) turned dark skinned because of their disobedience (2 Nephi 5:21). According to the Book of Mormon, dark skin color was a curse from God. This change of skin color takes place throughout the book. In 2 Nephi 30:6 we read that if Lamanites accepted the "true gospel," they became "white and delightsome" (and, since the 1981 printing of the Book of Mormon, we read that they became "pure"), but if they left this "true gospel," they became "dark and loathsome." People's skin color does not change because they believe or do not believe, nor is skin color a curse!

The Book of Mormon teaches that "Indians" [Native Americans] originated from these Jewish settlers. Native Americans are distinctly Mongoloid. They have the "Mongoloid" blue spot, specified blood traits, and their facial features are of typical Asian origin, not Semitic at all. Current DNA evidence has confirmed this as well.

Conclusion: Joseph Smith was a horrible liar. Again, we see words to do with coming such as "cum" and when picking up women with, sounds like, "cumons". Words for man's ejaculation and an unnatural rise in the size of population in just 19 years is displayed by an evil supernatural explosion of sex with many sex partners. Mormonism is a moronic, antichrist, polytheistic, racist, polygamist sex cult. It's all about their dick and balls with white people no matter how stupid they look in the process worshiping many gods, including themselves for having always existed. God is not gods. The Father and the Son never had a body and never were men. Jesus came into creation nearly 2000 years ago. Jesus is not the brother of Satan. By definition if you are a brother of someone you would be created, unless you enter into creation as the Creator through the womb of a woman who subsequently had some natural children aftewards. You did not always exist. You will never become a god, for there are no gods (just idols), and there is only one uncreated Creator (monotheism). Deal with it! Accept the truth, for it will set you free.