This is the bottom line.

Either Jesus was a liar, lunatic or He is God. If He is God and you refuse His atonement on the cross and resurrection, you are going to Hell.

If the disciples lied about seeing Jesus resurrected then Jesus was a liar or a lunatic, and you will just cease to exist, but does ceasing to exist effectively deal with your sins?


12 Historical Facts (Most Critical Scholars Believe These 12 items)

1. Jesus died by crucifixion.
2. He was buried.
3. His death caused the disciples to despair and lose hope.
4. The tomb was empty (the most contested).
5. The disciples had experiences which they believed were literal appearances of the risen Jesus (the most important proof).
6. The disciples were transformed from doubters to bold proclaimers.
7. The resurrection was the central message.
8. They preached the message of Jesus’ resurrection in Jerusalem.
9. The Church was born and grew.
10. Orthodox Jews who believed in Christ made Sunday their primary day of worship.
11. James was converted to the faith when he saw the resurrected Jesus (James was a family skeptic).
12. Paul was converted to the faith (Paul was an outsider skeptic).

Now if you can't explain it away reasonably, then believe it, despite your heart pulling you away. Above all else the heart is deceitful. It is not that truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. Living by feelings is not a principled life. Live by your intuitive conscience in your spirit in communion with God no matter how difficult it may seem sometimes.

God is choosing a people out of the world to be with Him in eternity. Those who are not are going to Hell since none of us can merely just cease to exist, for we are all made in His image. Where are you going?