This statement of yours is false, "There are certain attributes which assign deity to a specific moment or period of time." Actually deity is always deity, for He is unchanging. There are not some moments of the deity being non-deity. There is only one is deity which is God. Occam's Razor says extra deities are unecessarily complicating.

The reason you got an infraction was because your profile contradicts your post (violating Board Etiquette #4) when you claim you believed in God's 3 Persons, but in question #2 you do not.

You should give your life to Christ and accept His substitutionary death on the cross and co-death with him, but for now you have decided to reject Him (question #1).

The church is built on the rock Christ, not Peter. Remember, Peter (Petros) is the little stone, Jesus is the rock (Petras). Catholic refers to "universal" Church. The Roman Church is not the Church.