What's important is you have no evidence for your hypothesis. And I am thankful.

It's possible Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written immediately after said events. Their final form though was established within a few decades at the most.

Since you can't find the originals for anything in antiquity, to make this demand just on the Word of God is telling.

Mary did not need to be told Jesus arose on two separate occasions. You misread something.

These are not four different set of events, but four different perspectives to verify authenticity.

Notice how you are always wrong in your assessments.

I am comforted that you disagree with 95+% of scholars, but have no evidence for your beliefs.

Your answer can't be to everything it was dreamed. One good reason for this is that Paul said people he mentioned that agreed with him could have contested their agreement, but of course, none did. Nobody documented in the first or second century denied the existence of Jesus.

Atheism denies the evidence for God and claims there is no uncreated Creator. But, atheists don't have anything to support something happens all by itself. Quantum physicists don't say something happens all by itself, but say it is so complicated, they don't know the causes of some things on a quantum level, which is reasonable, since it is quite complicated. I heard there is are as many different theories in the quantum world as there are scientists who study it. That doesn't sound like a basis of strong evidence for puff the magic dragon in order to reject Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

One thing you can't do is deny the historical Jesus based on lack of documentation, because nothing in antiquity is more well documented. For example, Jesus is documented four times more within the first century and a half than the Emperor of Rome who died the same decade.

John wrote John. Paul wrote the epistles. Peter wrote Peter. James wrote James. Matthew wrote Matthew. Luke wrote Luke. Mark wrote Mark. Jude wrote Jude. Until shown otherwise, we should not claim otherwise two thousand years after the fact. While we can doubt the other books in the 2nd and 3rd centuries which contradict the books of the Bible, the authenticity of the 66 books of God's Word remain God's revelation for the ages.

If Christ did not to return for a million years, the most cherished book in the history of mankind would still always be the Bible.

Praise the Lord!