Allegorization is going too far.

There is no reason to believe dinosaur fossils could not have been discovered in antiquity. That is the only reasonable explanation because today's creatures just don't fit that bill. And there were large sea monsters 65 million years ago as well. Conjoined twins have two heads or more. A great deformity would exist in such a monster though not 7 heads, but Revelation does not refer to this beast as being real nor should you necessarily take Psalms so literally. In Revelation an analogy is used to describe the 7 nations with 10 puppet kings (10 horns). Mythology is not without some basis. Also, the Antichrist will arise out of one of the 5 Caesars, who is not (Domitian) at the time of John's writing, yet shall be. He will die as the 7th and be revived as the 8th seemingly miraculously. He will replace 3 of the 10 kings as well. He is Neron Kaisar = 666 in Aramaic (Caesar Nero), the worst person in history. The proofs I have agree with these findings.