Today's forum nonsense:

Two universalists.
Two racists.
Two false tongues babblers.
One Mary idolater judaizing Christianity with intermediary priesthood, popery and hierarchies in the church like corporations.
One atheist or agnostic with lame misreadings of the Scriptures in search of the holy grail of contradictions.

8 souls - try taking away from the work of the Ministry.

It takes all kinds. There is every array of answers to those 17 questions: to be exact 3 options to the power of 17 equals 129,140,163 possibilities. For example the atheist in this group said "not sure" to all 17 questions and said he was a Christian. How can you be not sure about the substitution of Jesus Christ and call themselves a Christian? I haven't even brought in the other 16 questions for apostles.

What an utter waste of time! They don't repent of these sins. People have made up their minds already. This is why John 3.18 says they are condemned already.

Note to self: disallow these conversations and time wasters.