It's a fact the twelve apostles in their contemporary writings of the first century multiply attested they truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings (talked with him, walked with him, touched him and ate with him) for which there is no naturalistic explanation, thus proving Jesus is God for only God can resurrect Himself from the grave. Amen.

The approach that I take is called the Minimal Facts Approach because it draws from what most scholars concede that Paul truly believed and wrote 1 Cor. 15, Gal. 1 & 2 in which he states the gospel message, some of the resurrection appearances and that he spent 15 days with Peter (one of the 12 Apostles), and with John (one of the 12 Apostles) and James (brother of Jesus) on more than one occasion. Suffice it to say they talked about more than just the weather. Paul recounted the resurrection testimony from these Apostles.