You know, about 30 minutes ago I started a big post that was to document one by one the NUMEROUS fallacies you've used. I've decided against it(15 paragraphs in I was up to around 50-60), and instead shall merely say that your post is a conglomeration of ad hominems, snobbery, proofs by assertion, appeals to tradition, emotion, personal incredulity, force, authority, and consequences, straw men, non sequiturs, loaded questions, and personal opinions not supported by modern science, and is, considered as a whole, an IMMENSE proof by verbosity. Also, you are DISHONEST. I gave a link, then quoted a post from it where you said that Mohammed was a liar because he came 600+ years later than Jesus. In your response, you acted as if it was from this very topic, which IT WAS NOT. Please, show some shame. If this is my last post on this site, so be it.