At Biblocality Forums is where the 4 Step Proof for God of the Bible originates which proves the selfless faith in Christ. If you can't isolate anything wrong with it, it proves God of the Bible.

Step 1 - There is an exponential progression in our conscience these past 6000 years, so that it won't take much longer to reach sinlessness in the saved. That being the case obviously there would not have been an eternity of the past of cause and effects. Therefore, the only possibility is the uncreated created.

Global conscience receives common grace; the perfecting of the saints receives eternal blessings. The unsaved are cordoned off into hell for rejecting God's love, mercy, grace and gift of salvation and forgiveness of all sins, and eternal life through the resurrection of His ONLY begotten Son.

Step 2 - Since nothing in nature happens all by itself and always has a cause, then nature could not have caused itself. Thus, the uncreated created.

Step 3 - Don't argue against some god for we are talking about God of the Bible. Just stay on topic. This mistake happens all too often.

Step 4 - There can not be gods creating gods or supernatural events causing supernatural events in the eternity of the past, because they do not cause themselves and due to the exponential progression in conscience as in Step 1 since were derived from that past. Therefore, the uncreated created.

If you can't find anything wrong with the Proof then accept that it is true. Realize the proven fact that you were created by the uncreated. Can you do that?

If you still can't do that, know it is because you first assume God does not exist, then you try to rationalize your assumption, thus manifesting your disobedience and independency to God, so this is why you are going to hell. You remain unforgiven for all your sins; alas, you may not even realize you are a sinner because you have chosen to shut your mind down, or if you do know you are a sinner, you don't care anyway and would rather go to hell. Someone like that is a bad person. Very sad way to live!

It has been my experience in talking to the unsaved, they are unsaved because they want to be, so no reason will work with them, no matter how beautiful and true. As one Christian said, truth for the unregenerate is a casuality of his belief system. The problem lies in emotion; that is why I recommend listening to some Christian music before you consider Christ, because where you need to be broken is in your emotion for God to be able to reach down into your spirit and renew your thinking. Think of your soul like a shell that needs to be cracked open. In fact, that is what I am going to do right now, listen to some Christian music, as I head over to the live "Christian Chat Room" at Biblocality Forums. You can ask me anything you like.

If you watch the movie The Perfect Stranger (2005), you will find it agrees perfectly with the 4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible. In 2006 the same actor played in The Stranger and in 2007, the sequel to the first movie is called Another Perfect Stranger. Who is this perfect stranger anyway? Find out!

Let us pray for all the fundamentalist atheists/agnostics and other fundy non-believers.