Don't think the Roman Church is always wrong. Probably because you did not consult with 2 or 3 in agreement, and only read the Bible for 7 years, you misread the Bible. It is possible to read the Bible with your flesh and not by the spirit. Reading other books is finding agreement with others. Don't take pride in misreading the Bible for 7 years.

There is definitely a Third Heaven because the Bible says so. Accept it, even if there is only one verse. If it can be explained, then it is true. Ergo, there is a Second Heaven and a First Heaven. When the Bible speaks of the Heavens it is referring to all three heavens.

Third heaven is where Christ is on His Father's throne with the angels. It is the highest. Lucifer fell from third heaven, but you don't see him walking on earth, so you know the place he fell to was Second Heaven. The universe with earth is the First Heaven.

Don't reject the Roman Church for its correct teachings. Reject it for its false teachings.

The First Heaven passing away is Earth being burnt up and being unable to view the starry universe from Old Earth. New Earth can view the starry universe of the First Heaven.

This is a very simple issue, but many misunderstand the 3 heavens.