I don't see any major difference among the Bible versions for Galatians 3.19 from what you said. Since today, ceremonial laws of animal sacrifices have ended, so has the Sabbath.

I don't think Christians have misunderstood the said vision, for it pertains to accepting the Gentiles as well as addresses what can be eaten. Even God said, elsewhere, we can eat other stuff now.

The Holy Spirit has told me that you are not a Christian because you seek to Judaize Christianity. By trying to exalt Judaism above Christianity you have created an idol for yourself, thus breaking the ten commandments, for you shall place no idols before the Lord thy God; you reject God's atoning work on the cross that does away with the law, for I have died to my flesh as well as to the law. Now should you!

Because you have not died on the cross with Christ you try to keep a law unto yourself and are too selfish to be willing to die on the cross with Christ. The Bible says we shall know them by ther fruit. This is how I know you by.

If none of this can be understood by your tiny brain, at least accept this. Since the beginning the Church has never practiced animal sacrifices or keeping the Sabbath. That should right there tell you something you are on the path to destruction.