The universe was created perfectly (Gen. 1.1), but the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages became so sinful, God made the earth desolate and waste (v.2) then creation was restored summed up by the six literal days.

This is a forum to discuss origins. God created perfectly over 13.7 billion years (Gen. 1.1), including the eldest elders/admins of the universe (the 24 archangels, Rev. 4) and millions of angels. But one third of the angels chose to fall with Lucifer. They ruled over the beings of earth and corrupted them, so the earth "became" desolate and waste (v.2) due to the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages. These beings became disembodied demon spirits-cast into the deep. The restoration gap (v.2ff) came next in the six literal summary days, but unavoidably, up came some of those demons that seek to possess souls (one of which entered the serpent and tempted Eve in the garden), and that is why day two is the only day not called a good day when the firmament above was separated from the firmament below.

Man's body was formed from the elements of [star] dust over 13.7 billion years: "And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground" (Gen. 2.7); "from the earth, a man of dust" (1 Cor. 15.47). About 6000 years ago God breathed His Spirit into the body from dust to create the soul life. By directly creating man's spirit when God breathed in the breath of life which came in contact with the body, the animated soul life was formed, made in God's image (Gen. 1.26,27).

The significance is since about 6000 years ago man would never cease to exist. When pre-Adamic men died they would cease to exist like animals do now.