Is Israel Gaining More Land?

The question then becomes, how much more land will Israel gain?

The Bible says Israel's promise is to receive the land extends up to the Euphrates River and down to the Gulf of Aqaba.

As Israel is attacked by Islam every 10 years or so, Israel has no choice but to create a buffer zone, which continues to increase, because the attacks get more cunning, e.g. 250 rockets a day into Israel and suicide mass-murderers.

Today, Hezbollah is a proxy and a surrogate for Iran. Iran says it's job is not finished unless every last Jew is murdered and Israel is destroyed. This evil has ramifcations, not without consequence.

And Israel sins too, for they backed out of Lebanon when they were suppose to own all the land up to the river that traverses Lebanon so that the rockets could not reach Israel. When Israel sinned like this in the past it always hurt them. When they appeased sin, their problems mounted.