Quote Originally Posted by Missionary View Post
Apologetics = Defense of <Insert Whatever>

The Apostle Paul, Jesus the Christ, Elisha, Elijah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Zechariah, ect., ect., ect.... On and on... Were all Apologists. Just because you confused the original definition of an apology with the popular meaning doesn't change the fact that all Christians are called to be Apologists. 2 Timothy 3:16 - 4:5
I am aware of both meanings so you are mistaken. For today's English I think the word "Apologist," "Apologetics" and "Apologizer" are words that are not appropriate for Christians defending the faith for the various many reasons given above. That's what the Holy Spirit put on my heart to say. I am sure we can come up with a better word than one that sounds like apologizing.

Satan came up with denominations which sound like demonations. There are no denominations in the Bible and no apologizers. Satan is always playing with words to twist things. He brings in Santa Claus. Rearranging the letters gets us Satan Lucas. It's subliminal. Let your guard down, oh it's harmless. The Bible says don't dress up trees with ornaments, but that is what most people do. Next thing you know the KJV is confusing Hell for Hades and KJV Onlyists are saying you throw Hell into Hell (Lake of Fire)? Calvinists try to hijack justification by faith and turn it into calvinism by calling it the Reformation. The deception goes on and on. The Church doesn't need a reformation into false teaching.

Next thing you know someone is doing Apologetics in an apologetic manner even apologizing for the atrocities of the murderous Protestant Pope of Geneva as though he were a Christian, or the Spanish Inquisition and Crusades, etc.

It will be so cool when Jesus is here. He'll explain in a particular passage whether He meant "spirit" or "Spirit" or "us" as meaning all people or just the elect. He'll explain which rendering of 1 Cor. 2.13 was the original, whether the longer ending of Mark belonged, and whether He liked the confusion that these various words can bring, e.g. apologetics. And He will be a Rewarder of those who answer Yes to the 37 questions in your profile and a Discipliner of those who deny His clear word of Scripture on these points. I think one group He is going to discipline greatly are the Judaizers who create a Christian Sabbath. The Sabbath rest is fulfilled in us by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The shadow of things to come has been fulfilled in Christ.

God does not desire Israel to perform animal sacrifices again, so they are sinning by doing so when the Temple is built. The sacrifices pointed to Christ. God wants the Temple to be built, certainly, but to come visit the Lord who will be reigning in the Temple on Earth at the end of the Tribulation for 1000 years. Many people don't have faith to believe this. As the end of the 1000 years approaches with the Son of Man reigning with His overcomer believers, the Temple will be done away with so the New City can come down on the New Earth, and God and the Lamb are the center of.