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Thread: Why do we not live longer?

  1. #1
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    Default Why do we not live longer?

    Why do we not live say 2,000 years and only about 80 years?

    Because if we lived 2,000 years we would have had enough time to keep our souls going on for even longer through technology and our our own strength without reliance on God, even though we would still be sinning.

    This actually makes sense to me. Wow!

  2. #2
    saint Guest


    I'm glad it makes sense to you...

    I don't know if it makes sense to anyone else...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by saint
    I'm glad it makes sense to you...

    I don't know if it makes sense to anyone else...
    I think it is more accurately said, it makes no sense to you. And there is a reason for this.

    After reviewing your first 11 posts, I noticed you have it out for me with all kinds of sins bearing false witness, accusing of this and that, misrepresenting, and overassuming various things as was shown to you in each of my replies to your posts.

    I care not to cater to your flesh further by responding to such blaming nonsense, immaturity and misunderstanding, so you are banned.

  4. #4
    The Lost Guest


    Because we do not need longer. Even though we may not think we know enough / have acted in the way we think we ought to have, the time we do have is long enough for our spirit to mature to a degree.

    And death is not the end, it is the beginning of the next stage of existance.

    My personal view anyways :)

  5. #5
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    That's right. We do not need longer. But why do we not need longer? I gave the reason already in my previous post. Another reason is because sin nature can not last hundreds of years.

    The next stage of existence for Christians is either rewards in the millennial kingdom reigning over cities or loss of rewards in outer darkness (do not confuse this with hell) which has no fire or furnace about it.

    The next stage is the dimension called hell where you are going and for the saved, the new city in the new earth.

    The next stage after God has loved us for a thousand generations is to leave the solar system in the new city which the Bible says in Rev. 21 is 1379 x 1379 x 1379 miles with walls 216 feet thick.

    The universe is so vast, the next stage, it is endless endless, even after the univese dissipates, we whom are saved continue on with God, just as you will continue on in hell forever.

  6. #6
    greg1844 Guest


    I know from the Word of God that man lived for periods of up to 900+ years after the flood and then died. After the flood mans lifespan continued to shorten until we now live 70-90 years and think we are doing well.

    It appears that several things happened during, or after the flood. All of the plants and trees of the orginal creation were destroyed by the flood. The eating of animal flesh was allowed, at least on a temporary basis until the plant life was restored. There may have been some physical alteration of the earths atmosphere as a result of the universal catastrophe of the flood. It appears that all animals are now smaller than there historical counterparts. So between the changed environment, the introduction of flesh eating, and the debilitating effects of sin, man has a vastly shorter time to live and make their decisions for against Jesus.

  7. #7
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    The Earth could not accomplish a global flood a couple thousand years ago. The global flood took place in Gen. 1.2 due to sin of Earth's earliest ages by fallen Lucifer, fallen angels and corrupted creatures which we now know to be disembodied spirits that were cast into the deep (demons). The flood in Noah's day was a local flood. Scientifically speaking, this is the only possibility, which agrees with the Word.

    Larger creatures like dinosaurs existed, but were not around at the flood. There is no mention of them a couple thousand years ago. Rather, dinosaurs existed prior to making the earth desolate in Gen. 1.2, or shortly after, wiping them out and bringing the different species we have now. There could have been an ice age between the making desolate and waste of Gen. 1.2 and the completion of the restoration in the six summary days, but I prefer to believe this desolation may have been the ice age itself.

    Man lives not as long as he once did because of sin and sin alone, not environment, and not due to type of food.

    This is what the Bible reveals. Science so far agrees with this conclusion.

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