
Type: Posts; User: Churchwork

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  1. Heb. 11.3 and 2 Tim. 1.9 Before Time and of Out of Things that Don't Appear

    [Heb 11:3 KJV] 3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    Mormons teach that things are...
  2. Dividing Eternal (EL) Life from the Holy Spirit (HS)

    Evidence of EL (eternal life/uncreated life) and Holy Spirit (God's Own Life) are not one in the same. On page 24, Vol. 1 we read,

    “And Jehovah God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed...
  3. As much as Calvinism is false and leads people to...

    As much as Calvinism is false and leads people to Hell, rejecting the Trinity, our Triune God, does just the same.

    Paul said in Phil. 2 Jesus is equal with the Father and that Jesus existed...
  4. Thanks. You sound like a brother in Christ....

    Thanks. You sound like a brother in Christ. Calvinists actually have the audacity to believe they were irresistibly selected and others were not, that their god passed over them, not giving them an...
  5. Replies

    Histories Years Date of Old Manuscripts

    The earliest copies of ancient writers doesn't compare to the New Testament.

  6. Replies

    Jesus of Testimony

    Really well done!
  7. Hawking says free will is just an illusion....

    Hawking says free will is just an illusion. Hawking believes in scientific determinism. He also said, there is no objective reality. So that means you can do anything and it would be just as valid as...
  8. Hawking said "there would be nothing on the other...

    Hawking said "there would be nothing on the other side to greet him." He is as atheistic as atheist could be, since if God exists there would be something on the other side to greet him, except that...
  9. Primrose's mantra is to keep repeating "we know...

    Primrose's mantra is to keep repeating "we know so little" to know if God exists. What stands out glaringly when you make this comment, is you could maintain the stance for eternity always saying you...
  10. Primrose talks about eons referring to endless...

    Primrose talks about eons referring to endless universes and that our universe was created by a previous eon, etc. The reason though this is not possible is because if there was this alleged infinite...
  11. Primrose asks why he should be driven to accept...

    Primrose asks why he should be driven to accept God, but that's where religion comes in, and not any religion, but the one true Religion that starts off by pointing out we are sinners which needs a...
  12. By the way William Lane Craig is not a Christian....

    By the way William Lane Craig is not a Christian. He is what is called an Arminian which teaches a person can lose salvation once saved. But the Bible teaches once-saved-always-saved. So Craig...
  13. This is all very fascinating to me because...

    This is all very fascinating to me because Primrose keeps bringing up one objection after another. That's what Hell is the place of eternal rejection of God in endless rebellion and contention to His...
  14. Premiered Oct. 4, 2019 This is so much better...

    Premiered Oct. 4, 2019

    This is so much better than formal debate structures because they can interact personally and ask each other questions and give immediate answers.

    Primrose still...
  15. Well said. I agree. :peaceful: What are we...

    Well said. I agree. :peaceful:

    What are we going to do about Hawking and Penrose that they refuse to accept the uncreated Creator and prefer instead to believe the universe came from nothing? It...
  16. Since he is quoted as saying he is an atheist,...

    Since he is quoted as saying he is an atheist, the burden is on you to show otherwise if you want to claim otherwise.

    I don't think he wrote anything that agrees with the Bible since he taught...
  17. Of course. Hawking considered himself an atheist...

    Of course. Hawking considered himself an atheist so he didn't believe in God as creator of time and space. He said, "if there were a God, which there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”
  18. I don't have their information. The Bible...

    I don't have their information.

    The Bible doesn't say the universe was created from nothing, but rather that it was created from God Himself. Something can't come from nothing.
  19. Yes. The best proof I have ever seen for God...


    The best proof I have ever seen for God existing and creating the universe from Himself (not out of nothing) is the following. If there was the alleged infinite regress of cause and effects...
  20. Let's Keep it Simple and Find Where We Agree on the Timing of the Tribulation


    We are close with the 7 years of plenty then the 7 years of famine starting 2023. Each 7 year period is 2,520 days. 2,520 is the smallest number divisible from 2 to 10 so this is God's...
  21. Replies

    Since Jesus is equal with the Father the Trinity...

    Since Jesus is equal with the Father the Trinity is true and those who do not accept the Trinity are going to Hell for they worship a false Christ. Christ has judged you.
  22. Replies

    Is there a point you are trying to make with...

    Is there a point you are trying to make with this? I will say according to the Bible you are going to Hell since you admitted in your profile you reject the Triune God which is a form of rebellion...
  23. Luke 12.35-48 is About The Millennial Kingdom and Outer Darkness

    [Luk 12:35-48 KJV] 35 Let your loins be girded about, and [your] lights burning; 36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh...
  24. Jesus is the Ransom for All Whosoever is Willing

    [Job 33:19-25 KJV] 19 He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong [pain]: 20 So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat. 21 His flesh is...
  25. The Faithful and Believing Remant of Israel Has the Land of Canaan Forever

    Caleb said, "9 And Moses sware on that day, saying, Surely the land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children's FOR EVER, because thou hast wholly followed the LORD...
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