
Type: Posts; User: Paul

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  1. The State Legislatures Should Take Control but They are Not. What gives?

    I don't understand how there are 66,000 juvenile voters in Georgia yet Trump still lost Georgia. What the hell? How can you certify for Biden? You can only certify in this case for Trump? I don't...
  2. Sexual Preference is Offensive, Sexual Orientation is Not Offensive

    I could never be a democrat because of how the democratic senator from Hawaii Mazie Hirono grilled Amy Coney Barret for an hour over the term "sexual preference," then if you watched Fox you're...
  3. Replies

    John 8.58 New World Translation

    [Jhn 8:58 KJV] 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    Jehovah Witnesses claim in their NWT, the Greek word for "I AM" is "I have been" (eimi) also found...
  4. Why Are We Mobilizing the Entire World Over Something that Can't Kill More than 1%?

    Why are we mobilizing the entire world over something that can't kill more than 1% of all deaths?
  5. Replies

    Are Mormons Christians?

    Jesus said, "How can you believe? While accepting glory from one another, you don't seek the glory that comes from THE ONLY GOD" (John 5.44).

    "Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father....
  6. Kris Komarnitsky (Atheist) Avoids Key Data in Reviewing the Resurrection of Jesus

    In reviewing the material posted on the internet about this book, it seems Kris Komarnitsky avoids two essential, crucial points (bullet proof points), that is, (1) people don't willingly die for...
  7. Replies

    Mormon sex chart. Those that go to Hell,...

    Mormon sex chart. Those that go to Hell, Terrestial, or Telestial don't get to have sex anymore.


    You can barely see it but along the left side in very small letters reads Satan and the...
  8. Replies

    The chart referred to is found in this video ...

    The chart referred to is found in this video
  9. Replies

    Two Videos by James White on Mormonism

    Though James White is a Calvinist, therefore going to Hell, he does good apologetic work on Mormons. But be careful because every once and awhile he will thrown in the false gospel of Calvinism,...
  10. Thread: Affect vs. Effect

    by Paul

    Affect vs. Effect

    I've listened to and watched explanations between affect and effect and I'm still not getting it. My brain is exploding. For example, "It is a dead spirit: it cannot effect communion with Him." Why...
  11. TMJ Problems are Solved by the Dividing of Spirit, Soul and Body

    In order to reduce the displacement of the disk, if your spirit, soul and body are divided properly, and you are walking by the spirit not your soul, the tension in the disc is alleviated and goes...
  12. How would you feel if you knew a family member...

    How would you feel if you knew a family member was going to or was in prison for life?

    That's how Christians feel towards loved ones who are universalists.
  13. Hell is Not Only Necessary but Needed in Order to Maintain God's Righteousness

    Can I Be Happy in Heaven with Loved Ones in Hell?
    by Wayne Jackson

    “If I am a Christian, and my parents or other loved ones are not, and they die lost, how can I be happy in heaven, knowing...
  14. Replies

    The Standard Model is So Amazing!

    The fundamental Standard Model (3 generations of the periodic table of particles) of the universe is true, but I think supersymmetry is false. The Higgs Boson is true, but there is a more fundamental...
  15. Replies

    Class Action Suit Against the Mormon Church

    Class action suits against the Mormon Church. Even more interesting are the links under the video showing how Joseph Smith plagiarized word for word certain historical books. How embarrassing for...
  16. Replies

    Also it is interesting that a person can have...

    Also it is interesting that a person can have regret like the Rich Man in the bad side of Hades and yet not get saved. Even though there is regret there is still an unwillingness to accept Jesus as...
  17. Replies

    Why I Think Judas Never Repented

    Why I Think Judas Never Repented

    The 1st beast is Antichrist Neron Kaiser = 666 (Rev. 13.18)

    [2Th 2:3 KJV] 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there...
  18. Thread: Mortal Probation

    by Paul

    Mortal Probation

    LDS theology tells us that all mortals lived prior to this life in what is called the pre-existence. Mormon Apostle Bruce McConkie stated that it was in the pre-existence that Jesus attained the...
  19. Replies

    Eternity of the Past of Creating Men and Women

    God the Father has a Father God and that God had a Father God also, and this continues on for an eternity from the past. This God the Father achieved Godhood by progressing in some fashion until he...
  20. 5 Aims of God with Respect to Our Feeings and Our Will

    The Aims of God

    Why then does God impart and later withdraw these feelings? Because He has a number of aims He wishes to fulfill.

    First. God grants joy to believers to draw them closer to...
  21. Could the Gospel Writers Withstand the Scrutiny of a Lawyer?

    Could the Gospel Writers Withstand the Scrutiny of a Lawyer?
    By John Warwick Montgomery

    Lawyers distinguish between making claims (almost anyone can file a lawsuit) and proving the case (which...
  22. Article: Only Christians are Regenerated in Their Spirits

    You can view the page at
  23. Replies

    Only Christians are Regenerated in Their Spirits

    The Regeneration of Man

    Why must a sinner be born anew? Why must he be born from above? Why must there be a regeneration of the spirit? Because man is a fallen spirit. A fallen spirit needs to be...
  24. Replies

    Manifestations of the Soul Life

    Manifestations of the Soul Life

    THE MANIFESTATIONS OF SOUL LIFE can be separated generally into four divisions: natural strength; self-conceit, hard and unyielding towards God; self-styled wisdom...
  25. Replies

    Article: The Existence of the Flesh

    You can view the page at
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