
Type: Posts; User: AlwaysLoved

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  1. [Act 18:12-17 NLT] 12 But when Gallio became...

    [Act 18:12-17 NLT] 12 But when Gallio became governor of Achaia, some Jews rose up together against Paul and brought him before the governor for judgment. 13 They accused Paul of "persuading people...
  2. Paul's writings are Dated to 55 AD Based on an Archaeological Finding

    1 Corinthians was written in 55 A.D. We can date when Paul was in Corinth by the inscription in Delphi of Greece. Gallio was the procouncil in Corinth. We can trace all of Paul's writings to that...
  3. Replies

    Benny Hinn is a Fraud

    Benny Hinn claims that Adam could fly even to outer space. He even said there are not 3 Persons in the Trinity but 9 Persons. The guy is a nutcase. The list of his failed prophecies is enormous.
  4. Replies


  5. Deliver Your Gifts to Death Voluntarily and Then Reclaim Them Renewed

    Deliver Your Gifts to Death Voluntarily and Then Reclaim Them Renewed

    Another special point concerning soulish Christians is that they are uncommonly gifted. Believers bound by sin are not so...
  6. Replies

    The best question you could ask a Mormon is this:...

    The best question you could ask a Mormon is this: "Is the Book of Mormon ancient?" Obviously not. Yet it claims to be. But no archaeological evidence supports that claim. In fact history shows it is...
  7. Helping Postribber Onlyists and Pretribber Onlyists Understand Partial Rapture


    You have mistakenly associated Rev. 6.12 with the end of the Tribulation in Matt. 24.29. Notice Rev. 6.12 is a solar and lunar eclipse and a rare one at that. Matt. 24.29 is not a solar...
  8. Replies

    Before the fall Adam and Eve had no blood...

    Before the fall Adam and Eve had no blood according to the LDS Bible Dictionary. Mormonism is endless insanity.
  9. Replies

    Mark Twain's Comment on the Mormon Bible

    Twain said, "the Mormon Bible is rather stupid and tiresome to read." Fictional story telling. Mark Twain also said, "the Book of Mormon smooched [John] Milton from the NT and given no credit." ...
  10. I wouldn't want to be in heaven with a Calvinist...

    I wouldn't want to be in heaven with a Calvinist because they will keep priding themselves over me that they are better than me because their god irresistibly selected them and not me. I had to...
  11. Braxton finds unique words or phrases to describe...

    Braxton finds unique words or phrases to describe man is dead. "On death row", "condemned"; "separation from God"; "stay of condemnation".

    We shouldn't "bolster one term to the exclusion of...
  12. Exasperated Condition of Man is Not Totally Unable

    Braxton Hunter used one word to describe man does not seek after God, no, not one! What does that mean? I think it means nobody keeps the law, but the word Braxton used is Paul is showing the...

    John MacArthur said Arminians don't have the aid of the Holy Spirit. But surly the Holy Spirit is working to draw the Arminian to Christ. The most popular question asked by Calvinists is, Why does...
  14. You said in your profile you disagree with...

    You said in your profile you disagree with premillennialism so you're contradicting yourself.

    Dispensation simply means we are in a dispensation which currently is the mystery age of the Church....
  15. Choir, In you profile you say you reject the...


    In you profile you say you reject the millennial kingdom. So why be doubletongued? The dividing of spirit, soul and body is clearly given in Scripture. "For the word of God is quick, and...
  16. jerry, Choir is not a Christian. He rejects...


    Choir is not a Christian. He rejects the return of Christ to reign on earth for 1000 years as well as the rapture when clearly we see rapture verses in the Bible. He even rejects the...
  17. Christian and Atheist Debate -- Why Was There Killing?

    The reason why there is killing among creatures is because of sin. Free will would not truly be free if a creature doesn't have this free choice. For example, even before the Garden of Eden there was...
  18. 7 Years of Plenty Followed by 7 Years of Famine

    Famine in the Hebrew Scriptures is symbolic of the Tribulation

    Famine, especially a seven year famine is a prophetic type of the seven year Tribulation period that will immediately precede the...
  19. Walter Martin Exposes Mormons - Romance of the Gods

    [1Co 8:4-6 KJV] 4 We know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. 5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods...
  20. Replies

    Azrael Ondi-Ahman is Going to Hell

    This guy is a cult person (picture perfect insanity), not a Christian. He has 5 principles for his new scriptures (called Song of God). The truth of his mistaken assumptions are...

    1. Killing in...
  21. Baptism of the Dead and Marriage in Heaven

    "The resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven" (Matt.22.30). There are all kinds of ways to reject God of the Bible and follow Satan....
  22. There are Not Enough Planets in the Universe for...

    There are Not Enough Planets in the Universe for Mormonism to be True

    Let's say there are 200 generations since Adam at 30 years per generation = 6000 years (Adam was born 4004 BC by adding up...
  23. There are Not Enough Planets in the Universe for...

    There are Not Enough Planets in the Universe for Mormonism to be True

    Let's say there are 200 generations since Adam at 30 years per generation = 6000 years (Adam was born 4004 BC by adding up...
  24. Replies

    Mathematically Mormonism is Impossible

    There are Not Enough Planets in the Universe for Mormonism to be True

    Let's say there are 200 generations since Adam at 30 years per generation = 6000 years (Adam was born 4004 BC by adding up...
  25. Revelation 3.3 Says You Can Known When Jesus Returns

    “So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return." (Matt. 25.13)

    Who is this being spoken to? It is being spoken to the 5 unwise Christians who were not watchful. If...
Results 1 to 25 of 304
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