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    by Published on 12-15-2009 01:56 AM     Number of Views: 3282 
    1. Categories:
    2. William Lane Craig vs. ...

    Each of the major changes in our evolutionary development are themselves so improbable without God's involvement they would have to be a miracle and thus proof of God, the giver of miracles, since atheism doesn't allow for miracles.

    Atheists don't think God would be all-good to allow suffering, but that suffering happens anyway in a naturalistic world, so is it a doublestandard to accuse God and not an atheistic world. Any theory someone has ought not to contradict itself, and this accusation against God by atheists is contradicting themselves.

    If God caused less suffering in the world would that draw more or less people to Him in a loving relationship? If there is no suffering what need do you have for God? Once you realize suffering occurs because of man's sin, you will be dependent on God.

    In order to maximally save the most, it appears a world of suffering is necessary, because God is not going to prevent the creation of some on account of the many who refuse His saving grace.

    To deny the cause of the universe outside of time is to deny a cause for the universe, thus nothing would exist. No matter how you think about God and the universe, each time the only explanation that makes any sense is that God did it.

    by Published on 12-15-2009 01:56 AM     Number of Views: 2240 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    Atheists say you can't use logic to prove God exists because they claim that you can't prove that logic exists or if it is truly logical or that something deemed to be logical necessarily will always remain so. And they try to prove this in various ways.

    However, this approach by atheists is self-contradictory, because the atheist is asserting by their own attempt at logic to make their claim, when they claim such behavior and activity is itself illogical.

    Funny. Embarrassing. This is called a doublestandard, or violating the law of non-contradiction.

    Another one. Atheists say truth is relative, but that itself is an absolute statement, so their claim is self-contradictory.

    Again, the thoughts are an atheist are that of a dullard!
    by Published on 12-14-2009 07:56 AM     Number of Views: 1892 
    1. Categories:
    2. Hell

    I like this argument. You can't have it both ways. You can't say God would be evil for allowing evil into the world and then blame God for responding to such evil by quarantining them in Hell.

    God's full of compassion and mercy for He came into His creation to provide the solution the problem in what He did for us on the cross for forgiveness of sins to redeem us back to Him.

    Here's another contradiction but not in the video. An atheist accuses God of the evil in the world but the evil happens nonetheless, so why is ok for atheism to have this evil but not God allow it for a time due to the sin of rebellion? Should there not be consequences to sin?

    Whereas God is slowly eradicating sin, in atheism evil is just part of naturalism. So the atheist doesn't pluck the log out of his own eye while misrepresenting God of the Bible.

    We must appreciate that if man did not have the choice to rebel then free will wouldn't truly be free and we would be something less than human or automatons. God wants a relationship with man made in His image not robots.

    I've never met a logical or ethical atheist in my life.

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