• How Do We Know Jesus is God?

    Isn't it funny how some atheists say they have a lack of faith rather than a belief in no God? Agnosticism is a lack of faith and evidence either way, whereas atheism is a belief there is no God whether they think they have evidence for their claim or not.

    Yet there is evidence that God exists. Since in nature we see always has a cause, confirmed by the preponderance of evidence of trillions of causes in nature beyond a reasonable doubt, we know that the natural must have a cause and can't come from nothing. After all that which doesn't exist can't cause anything--IT DOESN'T EXIST! Nothing always comes from nothing.

    Here is a funny thought. Those who say the composite may operate differently than the causation in the composite of the universe run into trouble. While they admit there must always be causation in the universe, they say to bring the composite into being operates without causation. But think how goofy that claim is. For nothing "to bring the composite into being" is another way of saying "causation". Funny! The desperation of agnostics and atheists is profound.
    Realizing this, one has only one option left to continue to reject the uncreated Creator. He must prove that the natural world always existed for an eternity of the past. But this too is impossible because if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects, mankind would have approximated into that alleged past eternity but would not still be sinning to the extent he still does along the exponential progression of conscience he is clearly on (as seen in just these past six millennia). In other words, it is more than enough time and would be far greater in time than even 13.7 billion years of our universe; it wouldn't even take another six thousand years likely to reach near sinlessness. Various proofs we are on this exponential progression of conscience are found in the 4 Step Proof for God,


    Ergo, we are left with no other option fathomable, than there must exists the uncreated Creator who created this existence. A mind with a conscience produced beings with minds and consciences; that which doesn't have a mind, conscience, feelings, volition such as the elements of nature which are lesser could never produce the greater such as sentient beings. Now that we know by the evidence of Romans 1.20 God exists by observing nature in the way described above, the question to ask is, who is God?

    All religions and faiths of the world that claim they have the true God are unable to prove it except one. They are unable to prove it, because their god or gods are ethereally assumed and do no enter creation personally to prove themselves by a supernatural act (visions don't count for there must be group attestation physically that can be touched with our own two hands). Only Christianity proved it, in Christ by His resurrection that most skeptical scholars concede certain details that lead us inextricably to the fact that Jesus created us and He is God.

    Since I don't know how to overturn that evidence and I have never seen anyone else who could find a naturalistic explanation given this data, this is how I know there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved, and if a person is unwilling to receive this salvation he must be eternally separated from God in the domain called Hell because it would be unrighteous of God to force you to love Him. The unregenerate effectively prefer for eternity to be eternally separated from the Creator. I tend to think of it this way. The pain of recanting will always be greater than the pain of giving up control of self and placing all trust in Jesus.

    It's a choice.

    Most skeptical scholars concede the disciples who spent 3 years with Jesus, along with others, truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. Based on the evidence and record of history preserved, those same scholars always concede the fact that these same disciples went to their deaths as martyrs unwilling to deny their eyewitness testimony of having seen Jesus alive from the dead up close and personal physically. Since people don't willingly die for something they know is a lie, and the disciples could have easily renounced their eyewitness claim to save their lives, we know they truly believed it. Therefore, the only option left is to appeal to group hallucinations. But this fails too because according to modern psychology (DM-4 manual) group hallucinations are impossible. As they say in poker, there are no outs left. When all known possibilities we discover are impossible, what we deemed to be impossible must be the truth!

    We are left with no possible naturalistic explanation, proving the fact that Jesus is God and He entered His creation to die on the cross for the sins of the world to reconcile mankind back to Him "whosoever believeth" (John 3.18)--whosoever is willing! Amen.