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  1. If You Don't Know When Jesus Returns, You Aren't Being Watchful! (Rev. 3.3)

    We are told to watch for signs. If we are not watchful we won't know when Jesus returns (Rev. 3.3). The most amazing thing to me in the Bible eschatologically is Rev. 6.12 in which we are told 3 things happen in precise order before the Tribulation:

    1) Great earthquake. In 2010 Haiti had an earthquake that killed 320,000 people. This is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded on earth ever. Then in 2011 Japan experienced an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded in earth's history. Back to back, year over year, two such earthquakes of this intensity and damage have never occurred before.

    2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of Hybrids, the rarest which is the H3 occurring 5% of that 5% so very rare. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare when they last longer than 1 min. 30 sec. according to NASA. On Nov. 3, 2013 this very rare eclipse occurred for the 4th time since Christ. It won't happen again till 2172.

    3) Red blood moon. Red blood moon lunar eclipses are more rare in the form of Tetrads. A Tetrad occurs when you have two red blood moons one year, followed by two more the next year. For example, there was none in the 17th, 18th and 19th century. But they are even more rare when they land on the first Jewish feast (Passover) and the 7th feast (Tabernacles) then doing the exact same thing again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. It won't happen again till 2582/83 (nearly 600 years away), and there is no unique solar eclipse attached to it so the time is now for the Lord's return. "In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is very near, right at the door" (Matt. 24.33). A unique event related to the Jewish nation occurs each time there is a feast Tetrad. The 6th (1949/50) was when Israel became a nation May 1948. The armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th (1967/68) was when Israel took over Jerusalem June 7, 1967. And 2014/15 is the 8th feast Tetrad wherein construction of the 3rd Temple comes into view. You see the pattern: from the land of Israel to the city of Jerusalem to the 3rd Temple where Christ will return to reign in for 1000 years on earth with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6). "Give a portion to seven, and
  2. My Email to Dan Barker the Atheist - Why He is Going to Hell According to the Bible

    Dan Barker (,

    For me it is simple. We observe trillions of cause and effects in nature, and no hard evidence of something from nothing. So this overwhelming preponderance of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt tells us nature can't start up from nothing. Nor can it always have existed, because if there was an infinite regress of cause and effects, you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so. So nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God. Thus, atheism is false.

    Knowing God exists, ask which one is true since only one can be true for God does not contradict Himself, and there can only be one uncreated Creator otherwise you have to ask where these others came from. God is accessible and personal because He can't be less than us with these qualities we are endowed with. The greater can never be less than the lesser. Since God is personal and accessible, we need only consider the accessible faiths that make up the vast majority of faiths: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism.

    Islam is false because you can't come along six centuries later with no evidence to claim Jesus didn't die on the cross. That's an assumed religion. Hinduism fails because its god Brahma is said to be amoral, but again, how can the Creator have a morality below that of His creation? Moreover, reincarnation doesn't effectively address our fallen nature as you get endless chances to come back as a frog then become a human being again if you were a good frog. How can you place the burden of man's destiny on the brain of a frog? Very neatly we see that salvation is not by works lest any man should boast. No amount of self-strength, self-reflection or frog work can bridge the gap between you and God. Therefore, we know God intervenes and even enters His creation as Jesus did. Truly unique among the world's faiths. Without knowing anything else then we know God of the Bible is the correct one.

    Very simply, there are no known naturalistic explanations to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings. The Minimal Facts Approach (coined by Gary R. Habermas - the leading scholar on the planet today for the resurrection) is where most scholars agree that the Apostles truly believed Jesus rose from the dead and consider 1 Cor. 15, Gal. 1 & 2 Paul's true testimony and authorship. He said he spent 15 days ...
  3. How do you really lose weight? Plan for the next 30 days

    by , 01-05-2015 at 12:46 AM (Truth of Mistaken Assumptions)
    You have to keep track of your calories for breakfast, lunch and supper. Lookup that item for its calorie content and create a list of the foods you eat and their calories so you don't have to search for the item again on the internet. Keep adding new foods to your list.

    You need to have 3 meals: 8-9 am, 12-1 pm, 5-6 pm. No snacking. Your liver snacks in between by itself. And you have to set out all the calories for you next days' meals so you know exactly what you are having for each meal. Treat this as a game. If you find that you are not keeping to the plan then you have to brood over it more on your excel spreadsheet. Create a new column for the next day. Observe the clock constantly for when you can have your next meal. If it is 12 am, you have 8 hours to suffer. If it is 2 pm, you have 3 hours to suffer. Keep reminding yourself.

    Next, you have to determine how many pounds you want to lose and multiply that by 3500 calories per pound. Let's say you want to lose 6 pounds. 6 x 3500 = 21000 calories. Subtract from that 21000 calories what you burn working out. Determine how many times you will workout in the next month, say 12. You generally burn about 500 extra calories per workout. 12 x 500 = 6000. 21000 - 6000 = 15000. 15000/30 days = burn off 500 per day. If you utilize 2000 calories a day normally, you will need to stay under 1500 calories/day to reach your goal in 30 days.

    Simple. The essential part of this if you are faltering you have to brood over these details more. Stare at your excel spreadsheet more until you feel you are in control. Be extremely vigilant! Some people have to stare at the clock and their excel spreadsheet all day long. So be it! If that's what it takes!

    Studies have shown those people who were over 300 lbs. who permanently stayed under 200 lbs. for the long haul did exactly this. Nothing else works. This is the only solution. The Holy Spirit of Truth told me so.

    You don't need to buy a book. Just follow these instructions precisely and you'll be fine. You will do what you have never done before! I'm a Christian telling you the best way to do things. The minute you stop looking at the clock and your excel spreadsheet is when you are susceptible to mistakes.

    It becomes even easier to achieve if your spirit, soul and body of your temple are receiving spiritual strength by reading a Christian book for 1 hour and the Bible for 1 hour in the morning before ...